Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Toyota's Great Victory Roy Exum:

Editor Roy Exum, who has been following the Toyota recall controversy and is very much pro-Toyota, writes about the favorable sales numbers Toyota posted in March and how Toyota played a role in jump-starting sales for the automotive industry overall.

Quotes from the story:

Toyota Motor Company had an 87 percent sales increase in March over the month before and a 41 percent increase over March a year ago. Thats right, the same company so brutally and unfairly bashed in Congress this winter just sold more vehicles (186,000) last month than any other brand in the United States.

The incentives package offered by what I am now assured is the worlds safest and most reliable automobile have actually kick-started the economically-stalled automotive industry. Plainly put, all that a union-driven witch hunt could do to humiliate and defraud a great and noble global company just blew up in its face.

[I am] one of 200,000 Americans who today proudly wears a Toyota patch. I offer that not just as a disclaimer, but instead to say I have now seen an inside to a company that I candidly believe is one of the finest and most exciting in the world.

In short, Toyota did not only do the right thing, they went over and beyond it.

I have viable proof of the millions of dollars Toyota has given to this country in the form of youth ball fields, United Way, the Red Cross, you name it. At a time when we are praying daily for the unemployed and the uninsured, I can show you 200,000 fiercely-loyal Americans who are being treated in such a way they will literally do anything as long as its legal to prove Toyota is, quite simply, the best.